H.O.W. partners with the Mafa Holistic Life Enrichment Center to provide administrative support, assist with pk-12th grade school fees, school supplies and nutritional meals to socially and economically-disadvantaged students in Cameroon, Africa.
Mafa HolisticDr. Pamela Hall (Ye wong)
H.O.W. partners with TROLCOMA, a Malawian registered, FBO (nonprofit) to provide administrative and program support for socially and economically-disadvantaged secondary school (9th-12th) grade fees, school uniforms, school and farm supplies, feminine hygiene products, food distribution and Christian lifestyles to orphans, guardians, single mothers, and the disabled of the Mchinji Village in Malawi, Africa.
Transformation of Community Lives in Malawi
TROLCOMAFounder & President
A grant from Excel Professional Grant Writing & For Non-Profit Services, LLC and The Mchinji District Community made this effort possible.
Farming Projects
Community health care for SENIORS, mothers & children |
We've partnered with Brantyre Tailoring Shop to offer free Technical Vocational Skills to unemployed youths.
We also advocate and care for individuals in our community living with HIV/AIDS and other issues regarding reproductive health.